Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Special Post for Intan

Salam,,, Intan Noorleana Rosdi,,,,this post was written specially for u for ur birthday...
Post ini 17 hours lmbt pada hari lahirmu...
I sengaja mengepost lmbt because i suka nk post lmbt2(tu pon nak ngadu2 kat haizad ;-p)

Sempena hari lahirmu yg telah berlalu semlm...beta di sini ingin sekali mengucapkan,,,,
kamu sudah semakin tua...muahhahaahha......

Huhu,,ok this is the serious wish 4 u

Intan payung,,,umur kamu sudah semakin meningkat,,beta ingin mengucapkan,,,


(which is the last birthday u celebrate in UMP..)

wish lain beta are,,,

Semoga kamu berjaya dalam ape jua yg kamu lakukan dunia dan akhirat
Dah makin tua ni jgn ngengade sgt(hahah),,, <-- xtau nk tulis ape sbnrnye
May our frenship last 4ever

Walaupon beta selalu memrh ,,,,,,sebenrnye beta menyayangi kamu sebgi seorg sahabat,,,,huhu

Last word from me for this post,,,
I love u my fren,,,, and once again


(since u luv pink so much i dedicate this pink post juz 4 u...wink..wink)

This bola kristal is 4 u.....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Suka Duka Minggu Ini

Salam buat rumate2 ku yg tersyg(ter=xsengaja igt tu)

Minggu ni macam2 yang berlaku, but there r 2 important incidents happened,,,let me start wit the xbest story 1st

Once upon a time on Monday evening(dlm 2 pm), i went to lab to clean up and return the apparatus dat were used 4 PSM....after choosing sandal and lab coat to wear i enter the blower room.....i could feel the air blowing all over my body,,,huhu,,its been 2 weeks since the last time i enter the clean room cause i have to go back home due to certain matter....after 'undergo' the 'blowing' session i directly went towards my cupboard where i put all of the apparatus used 4 PSM..I slowly open up the cupboard....Suddenly, I was shocked to see how tidy my cupboard were,,,,,most of the conical flask that we (we=me,shaja n husna) used were not in the cupboard,,,at 1st i thought maybe shaja or husna had clean up and put the flask back to its place....so it does not bother me at all....but then after cleaning up all the samples i found out that the universal bottles that were placed in the cupboard since December 2008 were no more in there....I quickly called shaja n husna to ask them whether they had returned the bottle to En. Razak....but the answer is NO.....Then i tried to call En Razak if he already took the bottles....n he also said no....I asked everyone who usually borrowed the apparatus from us and the same answer given.....37 universal bottles that i borrow were gone n i dunno when cos last week they were still there.....n this really bother me...a lotssssss.Because...it have sumthing to do wit my PSM evaluation....i may not be able to graduate!thats wat en razak told me..... i dunno whether he was joking or not....but i was so afraid at that time, what if it does happen...i cannot gradute juz because i had lost 37 universal bottles....DAMNN....i really dont mind if only 2 or 3 bottles missing,,,but the thing is 37 bottles were missing....i also don mind if people wanted to borrow the apparatus, but then juz inform us... at least i noe someone using it......but no one told us anything... so i checked all PSM student's cupboards ,,,there were universal bottles in there but that was all belong to them,,not mine

Who on earth took the bottles without telling me anything...I was damn so angry at that time......all I can do then was to express my anger to everyone,,,yes i noe i was no good in managing my anger,,,but this thing really piss me off.....

i had already sent memo to all of the FKKSA student but no reply received...if that person read the memo i do hope he or she returned the bottles......but i can only hope......

Ok now lets proceeds with the good news,,,

On the next day.....I tried to update on my LI application,,,,Actually, I had already sent 7 application by post last month......but when i called the company they said that my letter were not received by them.....so i sent over 2 more resumes to 2 company which are Hyraxoil and FIW....1st I called the HR of hyraxoil,,,I was so sad that my application was rejected because I sent it too late which was 2 weeks ago,,,they already accepted 2 students from Politeknik....Then I call Mr Tasliman from FIW ,,,(the HR was soooo nice)......When I asked about my application he told me dat he was not yet asked the boss...i sighed.....He asked me 2 give him a week...by hearing that, eventhough the application not yet accepted but i still think there are hopes...huhu..

Then i continue doing my thing,,which was playing computer games...huhu.....
At 4.15p.m i received phone call....the conversation were as follow..huhu

POTP: Hello, Nadzirah Nadia Mohd Razif ke?
ME: Hello,,Ye saya...
ME:...hello...sekejap ye
(damn the line at my room was not so good,i quickly ran out from my room,,,i thought that person on the phone already hung up but then..)
POTP:hello cik nadzirah...saya En Tasliman dari FIW yang awak kol td....saya dh tanye boss saya..n he said ok.....application awak diterima
(i feel like to shout at that time,,,but that will not sound professional)
ME: owh ok
POTP:kami ada saftey officer di sini dan kami nak awak jd pembantu safety officer tu...tugas awak buat report....bla bla bla( i didn't really heard what he say cause i was so happy at that time)
ME: Owh ok
POTP: elaun yang kami beri x byk....cume Rm500
ME:its ok,,i dont mind,,but could u pls reply the application form yang saya sertakan dalam surat tu?
POTP: oh,, awk jgn risau kami akn reply form tu,,,awak mula praktikal bulan 6 kn?
ME: Aah..
POTP:awak tinggal kat mana?macam mana nk dtg kerja nnt
(dalam ati,,,uih bagusnye siap tanye lagi)
ME:Saya tinggal kat klang
POTP:Klang kat mana?
ME: Meru.
POTP:owh dekat je tu,,,datang macam mana nnt?
ME:I'll drive my own transport,,,dun wori
POTP:Oo...ada kenderaan sendiri...ok kalo mcm tu
ME: ok..
POTP: Assalamualaikum

End of the conversation.....

Alhamdulillah,,I was sooooo hepi...u noe y??cause if it's true that the 7 appllication letter that i sent over were not received i was in critical situation...cause i might not be able to do my practical....2 more apllication were sent and luckily 1 was accepted......

*Ya Allah aku benar2 bersyukur di atasa segala nikmat-MU*

Due to this 2 incidents i realize...that if there are bad things happen there might be good things will come.......so....be grateful for everything,,,everyone must have their own bad day or problem

and hey, if there is no problem in life....it might be a problem itself....

so live ur life....
Publish Post
Da one n Only

Kawaii Nad,,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Assalamualaikum wat rumets2 aku yg tersayang...

PPSMI...?Edda mmg setuju ngan nad yg kite patut blaja jer science ngan math dalam bahasa inggeris ni..jangan terlalu banyak memberi alasan..edda rase 'pengaplikasian' PPSMI ni sesuatu yg releven. lagipun kebanyakan buku2 rujukan utk sains terutamanya adalah dalam bahasa inggeris, so kalau dari awal lg diri kite dh terlatih menggunakan english dalam pembelajaran, so it's not a big deal.edda nk bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman..kita adalah batch terakhir yg still blaja science and math dlm BM. pas2 kiter masuk matrik dan sumer medium pembelajaran adalah dalam BI.even hampir semua buku rujukan kat library pun dalam BI.pada awalnya mmg macam 'sedikit mengalami kejutan budaya'..ye la..dah la BI x terer mana pun,takat bese2 jer pastu subjek math,kimia ngan bio sumer kena blaja BI.tapi alhamdulillah..boleh jer go on..xde masalah pun..lgpun references kan byk..dan mmg dalam BI..jadinya, lebih elok kalau kita adapt dulu dgn keadaan ni sebelum kite berada di peringkat pengajian yg lebih complex..

Memperjuangkan bahasa x salah tapi berpada2 lah..x semestinya bila dah blaja guna BI ni kiter dah berubah jadi 'organisma baru' atau tetibe bertukar jadi omputih lak...hehehe..apa yg penting adalah sebenarnya hati dan kita tetap berpegang teguh pada jati diri kita sbg orang melayu..bagaimana kita boleh bersaing ngan bangsa2 lain yg jauh lebih terkehadapan kalau kite sendiri x berani utk mencuba selain hanya memberi alasan..?pikir2 la kengkawan..kalau korang pun setuju ngan edda..cube la bg penerangan sikit kat org2 yang masih merasakan PPSMI ni macam 'merosakkan' bahasa melayu...


Sunday, March 8, 2009

sabor ek..

nad...jangan bengang2...edda tau kesusahan yg nad alami utk plant design tu...tapi sabo je la ek..edda pun disoriented sikit ari ni..bese la kalu masuk lab..mmg macam tu..tapi ari ni edda dah terjatuhkan volumetric flask dari freeze..ala..yg pintu sliding tu..pastu terus xde mood..lambat sgt nak tunggu hari selasa..jp pun xde..edda sembunyikan kaca tu dalam locker dulu..sampai la selasa ni...huhu....

byk sangat harta karun dalam tu..dah la tadi edda nk tolong simpankan orang punye flask jer..tetiba plak berlaku peristiwa x diingini ini..uhuk2...takutnya..x penah lagi edda terpecahkan barang kat lab ni..tapi xpe...malam ni ronggeng dulu..pasal pecah tu..ari selasa baru pikir...hehe..bese la kan..edda kan cool.... gambar ni edda tuju ntuk nad..spesel tau...untuk ilangkan bengang nad tu..ehehehe...



Bengangnyer arini,,,
ada ke patut tetiba pen drive wat hal
dahla tu dalam banyak2 folder yg ada dia pilih folder Plant Design aku aku untuk dirosakkn
tanpa sebarang sebab yang aku sendiri xtau nape pen drive tu boleh bermasalah

ni yang wat aku bengang dengan segala mangkuk ayun yg mencipta virus dan segala worm serta ape2 yg berkaitan dgnnye. %#&*%&^&&*(&**^%#$$%%^^&(&**)&*()*(*(&&)(*&*&)&*&*)&)*&*)&&*%^$$@#!&!@^@%@$%!@%^@%@!@!^@%

walaupon aku ada simpan file tu dlm laptop tp file dlm pen drive tu lebih latest sbb ada byk tambahan aku dah wat yang aku x save dlm laptop ku
....artikel2 yg br yg aku save dlm pendrive tu pon ilang....
dah r nk cr artikel tu ssh....
aku BENGANG ni.....

Kucing ni pon sama2 bengang cam aku.....

Aku yg bengang,

Nad Comey

p/s:Bengang2 pon kene maintain comey...huhu