almost 3 weeks since the last time i wrote an entry 4 this blog....hurm sooo many things happen
PSM,Plant Design,,PME and so many more.......those subjects makes me want to vomit....huhu
Only 2 more weeks to go b4 we are going to leave UMP and make it as history,,,,pejam celik suddenly we are now in the final year ...a lotz of 'sweet sour' thing i had experience in this university....met good frenz and not so good frenz,,,get bad grade in subjects,,,frenship matter,,,never thought dat me somehow manage to get thru ol those awesome..don u think so??? me think so...huhu
x sampi 2 minggu lagi,,, we are going to be separated,,,pegi LI,,,,taking our own road,,,,
setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan,,,(knp bertemu kalo perlu berpisah???)...hurm,,but,,.this is wat we call life,,,,
there still a lots of thing i wan to do u wit u guys but,,,it seems like i'm not able to fullfil them,,,
4 years ago we dunno each other,,but fate bring us 2gether
gelak sesama,,gaduh sesama,,suami je x sesama...huhu
mesti korg akn rindukn nad kan???.....huhu,..
igt lagi masa nad majuk,,,taun 3 ,,,,taun nad paling byk skali majuk ngan korg,,,,nad ni sensitif ati baik think...huhu
bulan pose lak tu,,,huhu,,xyala gtau reasonnye sbb korg pon tau betapa bodohnye reason nad majuk masa tu,,,tau dek org,,,terguling2 diorg gelakkn nad nnt..majuk je g bilik shima,,,tido sana,,
xpon bilik hanis,,,, xnk pasang lagu yg nad nk dgr pon leh jadi sebb tok majuk,,,tp tahukah korg,,,
nad cuma akn cam2 bila ngan korg je,,,knp??sbb korg kwn nad,,,kwn paling best nad pnh ada,,,,,walaupon korg x penah bg adiah masa besday nad cam kengkwan nad masa sekolah dulu...huhu (*bkn nk menuntut tau,,,,)
tp korg adalah sahabat yg menerima nad seadanye,,,buruk baik nad,,,really appreciate dat,,,(this come from the bottom of my heart)....walaupon kekdg nad mmg menyampah ngan korg2...hahaha.....
korg kawan yg nad leh luahkn masalah nad,,,korglah kawan yg nad leh mintak nasihat,,,korglah tmpt nad lepas geram,,,,hahah.....hey dat wat frenz r 4 rite??? think soo..huhu
dulu nad lain,,,,,nmpk je baek,,,tp,,tuhan je yg tau,,,
jiwa remaja,,,biasala,,,,,org wat kita pon n k wat,,,,,but once again,,,,thanx to u guys nad jadi org yg lebih baek arini,,,ape2pon nad ada beberapa komen ttg korg
Intan....ko rajin,,,ko baek,,,ko cantik,,,tp sumtimes ko wat org laen tertekan ngan tindakan ko,,,,beta maafkn kamu walaupon beta terguris,,,,huhu,,,beta doakn kamu sama haizad ditakdirkn bersama hingga ke akhir hayat....Eda,,,,busuk sesgt,,,huhuh,,,kamu baek,,,kamu manis orgnye,,,,kamu rajin membasuh,,walau malas menyidai,,huhu,,,tp kamu sgt keras kepala,,,,,at some time u need to tolerate,,,ssh skit nk bekerjasama sama kamu,,,kamu bila nk soh org bukan maen lg tp bila org soh kamu,,,kamu xnk,,,,keras kepala,,,bengang gak kekdg,,,,tp dats who u r,,,cuma ubah sket ek,,,huhu,,jgn risau sgt pasal Mr. Z...beta rasa dia bakal kamu miliki,,,,its only a matter of time...huhuShaja,,,kamu !!kamu bijak,,,,kamu baek,,,kamu punye tarikan tersendiri,,,cume kene blaja grooming skit lg,,,xmo tudung cam dak sekolah tau,,walaupon pemalas,,,haha,,,,jgn suka simpn2,,,xbaek tok kesihatan ,,,if it needs u 2 cry,,juz let it out,,coz sumtimes tears could lessen ur burden.....kamu tu baek sgt,,,,sng org membuli kamu,,,(termasuklah nad ni)..huhu...tingkatkn sedikit personaliti kamu,,,kurg menyerlah sket,,,sdgkn kamu punye potensi,,,nad doakn kamu berjumpa dgn jutawan idaman kamu...huhuNad tau perangai nad teruk,,baran,,suke bekira..huhu byk lg la
tp tq so much 4 accepting me as a fren
after this kita akn jrg berjumpe or x jumpe specially pas graduation nnt,,,...
NAD juz nk ckp thanx so much 4 being a fren of mine
by fate only we r going to meet again.
this one dedicated 4 u guys
The one n only
Kawaii Nad